Setting up a python project to handle Foursquare data exports

Foursquare gave me a big hunk of data files, now what do I do with it?

Project Scope and ToDos

  1. Create a new site
  2. Process the Foursquare data to a set of locations with additional data
  3. Set the data up so it can be put on a map (it needs lat and long)
  • Can be searched
  • Can show travel paths throughout a day

Day 1

Since the Foursquare site is shutting down I got a data export. I have to decide what I want to do with it now that I have it. It is a big set of data, so I will need to do some work to make it usable and figure out how to treat it and turn it into the type of site I want.

Big dataset, so let's turn to Python to process it. That's what it is best at. It has been a while, but I can start drawing some interesting conclusions from it for sure.

There are a bunch of different files, and it seems like the checkins files are the most relevant. But they don't have latitude and longitude data attached. That's not great. I also have a visits file that does have latitude and longitude, but it does seem to map to anything.

I'll assemble the data into a Pandas dataframe to start playing with it. See if I can find if the two connect at all.

It looks like someone else has encountered this problem. They recommend hitting the Foursquare API to get the lat/long.

import requests
import json
import csv

headers = {
"accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "YOUR_API_KEY"

# define path for products adoc file
path = r'foursquare.csv'

# clear attributes file if exists
c = open(path,'w')
csv = open(path, 'a')

with open('ids.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
fsq_id = str(line).replace("\n","")
url = ""+fsq_id+"?fields=geocodes"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 404:
locations = response.json()
csv.write(", ")
csv.write(", ")


This leverages the Place Details API.

Once I loaded the JSON files into memory, I can walk them into a dataframe:

# Create a DataFrame from the list of dictionaries
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
# 'visibility',

for checkinList in data:
for item in checkinList["items"]:
if 'venue' not in item:
df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame([[
# item['visibility'],
]], columns=df.columns), df], ignore_index=True)


Checked and for some reason only 1000 items don't have visibility, I've manually defaulted those to "private".

Even now that I've got those included though, the IDs in visits.json and visits.csv don't map to anything in my checkins.

Now my total checkins in the dataframe are 14265 entries.

Ok, so visits seems to be non-check-in occurrences where I was at a location. The Swarm app will occasionally have draft checkins that it suggests, saying it thinks I was in a particular location and prompting me to check in, correct, or not. This appears to be what is going on here. So for example

"id": "673e69ccdc7d4627b68ceb3b",
"userId": "15234",
"timeArrived": "2024-11-20 22:59:24.483000",
"timeDeparted": "2024-11-20 23:15:22.419000",
"os": "Android",
"osVersion": "12",
"deviceModel": "SM-G975U1",
"isTraveling": false,
"latitude": 40.6436454,
"longitude": -74.072583,
"city": "Staten Island",
"state": "New York",
"postalCode": "8600000US10301",
"countryCode": "US",
"locationType": "Venue"

Is a visit. And it happens around the same time as check-ins that I actually made. I looked up the lat/long and found the location seemed to be the Staten Island ferry terminal.

print(df.query('venueName.str.contains("Staten Island")'))

Here's the result:

id createdAt type visibility timeZoneOffset venueId venueName venueUrl commentsCount
5bc75aa89cadd9002ce17dc3 2018-10-17 15:52:08.000000 checkin private -240 4165d880f964a5207e1d1fe3 Staten Island Ferry - Whitehall Terminal 0
673e61fdf804d01340b055f2 2024-11-20 22:26:05.000000 checkin closeFriends -300 4165d880f964a5207e1d1fe3 Staten Island Ferry - Whitehall Terminal ... 0
673e69ccc2749c4b190f5fb9 2024-11-20 22:59:24.000000 checkin closeFriends -300 4a478d19f964a520d2a91fe3 Staten Island Ferry - St. George Terminal 0
673e73175e573a13d383bcfa 2024-11-20 23:39:03.000000 checkin closeFriends -300 4d35e19d6c7c721eb511cf56 College of Staten Island Main Gate 0
673ea1637f8f7e3e6b5232db 2024-11-21 02:56:35.000000 checkin closeFriends -300 4165d880f964a5207e1d1fe3 Staten Island Ferry - Whitehall Terminal ... 0

Ok, well, that seems fine, but no match really. There is a close match (if you ignore milliseconds) in timing. But it isn't really enough to join on en-mass, even if it is close. This also shows me that the records that don't have a visibility value look like they are early on in my checkin history, which is useful to know.

So I have 9,993 "visits". Which I think are dismissed check-in prompts?

There's also a whole file for unconfirmed_vists.json which has 18,279 entries. Where I can find some matches, it looks like they also are maybe pending prompts that I never confirmed or denied? These aren't just lat and long

There's no clear difference between the two. And there's no documentation from Foursquare. I'm going to go with my assumptions here. In that case, the only thing that matters is my checkins. That's cool.

Interestingly, the unconfirmed_visits have lat and long values. They look like this:

"startTime":"2024-11-17 22:08:21.628000",
"endTime":"2024-11-17 22:31:27.761000",
"name":"Patent Pending",

There is a checkin around this time, found via

print(df.query('venueName.str.contains("Patent Pending")'))

I'm pretty sure it is based around the time I did the actual checkin, found that via the above at createdAt time 2024-11-17 22:31:33.000000.

It looks like comments file is pretty useless:

"time":"2017-03-03 02:37:36.000000",
"comment":"Hey! Just saw this, we just got to Kimchi Grill, if you want to join for food."

I could potentially make some assumptions on time, but it doesn't necessarily map out, comments could happen way later, after other checkins.

Then there is the tips file.

It has objects like:

"createdAt":"2024-10-15 23:55:00.000000",
"text":"Great bookstore, with drinks, snacks, and plentiful recommendations cards with lots of details.",
"name":"First Light Books",

There do appear to be associated photos, but those photos don't seem to be in the pix folder I got with the export. I tried accessing the URL directly, but didn't get anything at that URL. However, looking at the venue, I didn't upload an image.

But that does match my profile image at

So I guess that is what that is. This does have a check-in associated with it:

id createdAt type visibility timeZoneOffset venueId venueName venueUrl commentsCount
670efb74d8a0e46cd107fea5 2024-10-15 23:32:04.000000 checkin closeFriends -300 64dd65470e981a714e4c9f6c First Light Books 0

Nothing there to associate based on except ID of the venue.

I am starting to conclude that maybe I also need just a listing of all the venues I've visited.

So I need to build a venues dataframe too.

Ok, so we'll need to load a few files:

# Get tips file
tipsFile = open('../foursquare-export/tips.json', 'r')
print(f"Reading tips file")
tipsObject = json.load(tipsFile)
tipsSetObject = tipsObject['items']

# get Venue Ratings
ratingsFile = open('../foursquare-export/venueRatings.json', 'r')
print(f"Reading ratings file")
ratingsObject = json.load(ratingsFile)

venueLikes = ratingsObject['venueLikes']
venueDislikes = ratingsObject['venueDislikes']
venueOkays = ratingsObject['venueOkays']

photosFile = open('../foursquare-export/photos.json', 'r')
print(f"Reading photos file")
photosObject = json.load(photosFile)
photosSetObject = photosObject['items']

As you can see, the venue ratings file is divided into venueLikes, venueDislikes and venueOkays. So I'm pulling those out.

So we know what a tip looks like.

Here's what each object inside the venue ratings looks like:

"id": "6278124503e634412f05cdaf",
"name": "Sobremesa Cocina Mexicana",
"url": "https:\/\/\/v\/sobremesa-cocina-mexicana\/6278124503e634412f05cdaf"

And then we've got the photos object:

"createdAt":"2011-04-22 17:10:12.000000",


"createdAt":"2013-08-03 01:21:35.000000",

There the suffix field does match up with a file in the pix folder, so that's where those connect up.

The relatedItemUrl doesn't go to anywhere that is online on the web. The value at the end of that though, the 4db1b66fa86e63d21171a701 part of the relatedItemUrl does match up with an id in the checkins files! So that's how I can associate a photo with a check-in and venue it seems.

So what format should the second dataframe be?

I'm thinking:

venuesDf = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
'id', # venue id
'name', # venue name
'url', # venue url
'tipString', # tip text
'tipUrl', # tip canonicalUrl
'tipViews', # tip viewCount
'tipAgreeCount', # tip agreeCount
'tipDisagreeCount', # tip disagreeCount
'rating', # from ratings file, can be like, dislike, okay
'imageSuffix', # from photos file, is the `suffix` field
'imageWidth', # from photos file, is the `width` field
'imageHeight', # from photos file, is the `height` field
'imageId', # from photos file, is the `id` field
'imageCreatedAt', # from photos file, is the `createdAt` field
'checkIns' # array of string checkin IDs.

Ok, so I want to append the other checkin IDs. How to do this? In theory this should work.

for index, row in df.iterrows():
venueRow = venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id']==row['venueId']]
if venueRow.empty:
# print(f"Venue not found for {row['venueId']}")
# continue
venuesDf.loc[-1] = [
"", # latitude
"", # longitude
"", # tipString
"", # tipCreatedAt
"", # tipId
"", # tipUrl
"", # tipViews
"", # tipAgreeCount
"", # tipDisagreeCount
"", # rating
"", # imageSuffix
"", # imageWidth
"", # imageHeight
"", # imageId
"", # imageCreatedAt
[row['id']] # checkIns
] # adding a row
venuesDf.index = venuesDf.index + 1 # shifting index
venuesDf = venuesDf.sort_index() # sorting by index
# add a new checkin to the series of checkins for this venue
venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id'] == row['venueId'], 'checkIns'] = venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id'] == row['venueId'], 'checkIns'].apply(lambda x: x + [row['id']])

git commit -am "Getting the initial feed in of venues into their own dataframe"

Ok, this is appending the ID where needed.

Now I need to get the ratings in:

def addVenueRating(ratingSet, ratingType, venueDFSet):
for ratingItem in ratingSet:
venueRatingId = ratingItem['url'].split('/')[-1]
venueRow = venueDFSet.loc[venueDFSet['id']==venueRatingId]
if venueRow.empty:
print(f"Venue not found for {venueRatingId}")
venueDFSet.loc[-1] = [
"", # latitude
"", # longitude
"", # tipString
"", # tipCreatedAt
"", # tipId
"", # tipUrl
"", # tipViews
"", # tipAgreeCount
"", # tipDisagreeCount
"", # rating
"", # imageSuffix
"", # imageWidth
"", # imageHeight
"", # imageId
"", # imageCreatedAt
[row['id']] # checkIns
] # adding a row
venueDFSet.index = venueDFSet.index + 1 # shifting index
venueDFSet = venueDFSet.sort_index() # sorting by index
venueDFSet.loc[venueDFSet['id'] == venueRatingId, 'rating'] = ratingType

addVenueRating(venueLikes, "like", venuesDf)
addVenueRating(venueDislikes, "dislike", venuesDf)
addVenueRating(venueOkays, "okay", venuesDf)

I discovered there were a few venues I guess I rated without a corresponding check-in? Had to make sure to create them I guess.

Ok, now I have ratings and checkins. I now need photos and tips.

Tips first? Ok, this does it:

for tip in tipsSetObject:
tipVenueId = tip["venue"]["id"]
venueRow = venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id']==tipVenueId]
if venueRow.empty:
print(f"Venue not found for {tip['id']}")
# print(f"Venue found for {tipVenueId}")
venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id'] == tipVenueId, 'tipString'] = tip["text"]
venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id'] == tipVenueId, 'tipCreatedAt'] = tip["createdAt"]
venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id'] == tipVenueId, 'tipId'] = tip["id"]
venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id'] == tipVenueId, 'tipViews'] = tip["viewCount"]
venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id'] == tipVenueId, 'tipAgreeCount'] = tip["agreeCount"]
venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id'] == tipVenueId, 'tipDisagreeCount'] = tip["disagreeCount"]
venuesDf.loc[venuesDf['id'] == tipVenueId, 'tipUrl'] = tip["canonicalUrl"]


git commit -am "Set up tip pull into the venue dataframe"

Next up is the images and then the last thing is to figure out how to pull lat and long data.

Hmmm. Looks like checkins can also have a shout value:

"createdAt":"2024-11-14 05:00:09.000000",
"shout":"Kareoke time!",
"name":"The Brew Inn",

Ok, back to photos.

Looks like we got a problem: When the URL for a photo contains foursquare it doesn't map to a check-in, but to the location. Need to check.

Interesting. Somehow I have images that don't have attached check-ins. Seems impossible, but ok. Maybe from earlier versions of the app.

The photos don't seem to be joining in. Something is wrong with my logic. Hmmm.

git commit -am "Attempting to process photos list"