Project Scope and ToDos
- Create a versatile blog site
- Create a framework that makes it easy to add external data to the site
- Give the site the capacity to replicate the logging and rating I do on Serialized and Letterboxd.
- Be able to pull down RSS feeds from other sites and create forward links to my other sites
- Create forward links to sites I want to post about.
- Create a way to pull in my Goodreads data and display it on the site
- Create a way to automate pulls from other data sources
- Combine easy inputs like text lists and JSON data files with markdown files that I can build on top of.
- Add a TMDB credit to footer in base.njk
- Make sure tags do not repeat in the displayed tag list.
- Get my Kindle Quotes into the site
- YouTube Channel Recommendations
Day 6
Time to fix my broken processing of Pocket exports. Let's start with using a CLI auth tool. That will be the node Pocket API CLI tool. I can use that plus a dotenv CLI package to pass in the consumer key from a .env
file without committing it.
"write:pocket-info-user": "node -e \"console.log('POCKET_UN=\\\"'+$(sed '3q;d' .env-json.json).username.trim()+'\\\"');\" >> .env",
"write:pocket-info-access": "node -e \"console.log('ACCESS_TOKEN=\\\"'+$(sed '3q;d' .env-json.json).access_token.trim()+'\\\"');\" >> .env",
"activate:pocket": "node_modules/pocket-auth-cli/bin/pocket-auth $CON_KEY > .env-json.json && total_string=\"CON_KEY=\\\"$CON_KEY\\\"\" && echo $total_string > .env && npm run write:pocket-info-access && npm run write:pocket-info-user && node -e 'var w = require(\"./bin/enrichers/pocket-api.js\"); w.writeAmplify()'",
"get:pocket": "node node_modules/dotenv-cli/cli.js -- npm run activate:pocket"
Now I can process the resulting variables that this process has written into my .env file in my JS code.
const processPocketExport = async () => {
let consumer_key = process.env.CON_KEY;
let access_token = process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN;
let pocket = new getPocket(consumer_key);
//sets access_token
const pocketConfigForGet = {
state: 'all',
sort: 'newest',
detailType: 'complete',
count: 4,
offset: 0
//returns articles
let response = await pocket.getArticles(pocketConfigForGet)
This gives me the results from the read API endpoint from Pocket.
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resolved_title: 'A Nightmare on Valleyfield Drive',
resolved_url: '',
excerpt: 'This column is a reprint from Unwinnable Monthly #180. If you like what you see, grab the magazine for less than ten dollars, or subscribe and get all future magazines for half price. Now this.',
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resolved_title: 'Trump allies want to resurrect ‘red teams’ to question climate science',
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excerpt: 'The second Trump administration may take a page out of military strategy to challenge established climate science.',
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excerpt: 'At first glance, funding climate action through soil carbon credits instead of taxpayer dollars may seem like a win-win solution. But real-world evidence suggests that improving soil health and supporting farmers as they adapt to more sustainable practices would be far more effective.',
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resolved_id: '4137436970',
given_url: '',
given_title: 'This 22-Year-Old Tech CEO Says an 80-Hour Work Week Is a Lifestyle Choice. ',
resolved_title: 'This 22-Year-Old Tech CEO Says an 80-Hour Work Week Is a Lifestyle Choice. It Earned Him Death Threats. And Job Seekers.',
resolved_url: '',
excerpt: 'Daksh Gupta, the 22-year-old founder of Greptile, a San Francisco-based enterprise software company, posted on X earlier this month that his firm “offers no work-life-balance.” The typical day is a 14-hour slog, and employees often work weekends.',
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I want to fully expand the objects so I know what I'm working with. Let's use util.inspect
here: console.log(util.inspect(response, {showHidden: false, depth: null, colors: true}))
Got it!
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excerpt: 'This column is a reprint from Unwinnable Monthly #180. If you like what you see, grab the magazine for less than ten dollars, or subscribe and get all future magazines for half price. Now this.',
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resolved_url: '',
excerpt: 'Daksh Gupta, the 22-year-old founder of Greptile, a San Francisco-based enterprise software company, posted on X earlier this month that his firm “offers no work-life-balance.” The typical day is a 14-hour slog, and employees often work weekends.',
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Ok, so now I need to figure out a way to walk through as much of the Pocket API output as possible, avoid re-writing files I've already written, and transform these objects into the flat files I want to output.