Posts tagged: AramZS XYZ
XYZ Site - Day 10 - Next step to rebuild Pocket exporting by optimizing for Netlify.
Previously I had exported a nice simple JSON file I could turn into files, but that site broke, so trying Readwise instead
XYZ Site - Day 9 - PostCSS Mods - Speed up the massive build time and decrease needed memory by limiting what CSS gets built.
Why can't I just designate files to process with PostCSS easily?
XYZ Site - Day 8 - Next step to rebuild Pocket exporting - export to flat file.
Now that I've figured out the API, I have to get it written to the flat files in my system for 11ty to build
XYZ Site - Day 7 - Next step to rebuild Pocket exporting - part 2.
Continuing to try and process Pocket's API output.
XYZ Site - Day 6 - Starting to rebuild Pocket exporting.
I have too many things saved into Pocket right now, so I can't export a file anymore. I've got to figure out their API instead.
XYZ Site - Day 5 - Rebuilding my quotes flat file generator
Previously I had exported a nice simple JSON file I could turn into files, but that site broke, so trying Readwise instead
XYZ Site - Day 4 - Parsing Letterboxd data exports
I like collecting color combinations for future projects but I want to make sure they are a11y AAA contrasts for accessible readability.
XYZ Site - Day 3 - Getting a npm module client side to measure contrasts
I like collecting color combinations for future projects but I want to make sure they are a11y AAA contrasts for accessible readability.
XYZ Site - Day 2 - Site exports to markdown blogposts
Getting my various content about books exported and into this site.